Turn Your Shopify Brand Into A Subscription Powerhouse
We'll help you install a paid subscriber acquisition and retention strategy that 2-3x's your brand's MRR growth
The Problem
Your products are perfect for subscriptions.
So... why isn't your subscriber base growing?
You're churning subscribers just as fast as you acquire them (or even faster)
Nobody truly has a handle on subscriptions internally (none of your agencies do either)
Most new customers buy one-off and don't subscribe
Our Solution
The Repeat Revenue Accelerator
Our Repeat Revenue Accelerator is the fastest path to finally scaling your Shopify brand's subscription program and recurring revenue. We'll help you cut through the guesswork and 2-3X your subscription growth rate in just 100 days.
⚡Massive Clarity
Audit & Custom Success Plan
Every new 100 Celsius client begins with a top-to-bottom subscription audit. You get total clarity on where you're at and a custom plan for growing your subscription revenue.
⚡convert more subscribers
Subscriber Acquisition Strategy
We'll help you develop, validate, and launch high-converting acquisition experiences that bring 2-3x more new customers in on subscription for order #1.
⚡Increase subscriber value
World-Class Retention & LTV Suite
We'll help you install a complete suite of subscriber activation, retention, and churn prevention experiences via channels like email, SMS, direct mail, and your subscription app. The goal? Keep new subscribers for an average of 6+ renewals.
⚡Massive clarity
Audit & Custom Success Plan
Every new 100 Celsius client begins with a top-to-bottom subscription audit. You get total clarity on where you're at and a custom plan for growing your subscription revenue.
⚡Convert more subscribers
Subscriber Acquisition Strategy
We'll help you develop, validate, and launch a high-converting acquisition funnel that brings 2-3x more new customers in on subscription for order #1.
⚡increase subscriber value
World-Class Retention & LTV Suite
We'll install a complete suite of subscriber activation, retention, and churn prevention experiences via channels like email, SMS, direct mail, and your subscription app. The goal? Keep new subscribers for an average of 6+ renewals.
"I'm not easily sold by agencies at this point… I have worked with so many and heard all the claims. Bryan and his team are killers. One of the most impressive agency teams I have ever worked with! The Roadmap alone was CRAZY value"
Braven Grant
CEO, Gains In Bulk
"Not only are they fast, but they're very high quality. There was no cookie-cutter approach; everything was very, very individualized for our business. I would 100% recommend working with 100 Celsius."
Cody Neer
VP Marketing, Natural Dog Company
"100 Celsius went so far beyond anything I expected. From the very first meeting, they were already educated on our company, our voice, and our brand. Literally every retention metric we can measure has gone up since bringing them on."
Derek Wilson
Director of Digital Sales, Aletha Health
These guys knocked it out of the park...coming with way more than just an acquisition or retention email and SMS strategy. They delved deep into customer insights and created a new "anchor" campaign we hadn't thought of. WAY more than we were expecting."
Mark Smith
Director of Marketing, Wipertech
"I'm not easily sold by agencies at this point… I have worked with so many and heard all the claims. Bryan and his team are killers. One of the most impressive agency teams I have ever worked with! The Roadmap alone was CRAZY value"
Braven Grant
CEO, Gains In Bulk
"Not only are they fast, but they're very high quality. There was no cookie-cutter approach; everything was very, very individualized for our business. I would 100% recommend working with 100 Celsius."
Cody Neer
VP Marketing, Natural Dog Company
Video Overview
How Does It Work?
Let's Fire Up Your Recurring Revenue
Working with 100 Celsius is the fastest way to scale your recurring revenue. Let's make your brand a subscription powerhouse together.
Schedule a short, no-commitment intro call with us today.
How do I know my brand is a good fit?
Brands who get the best results working with 100 Celsius typically meet the following criteria. A) You sell products that lend themselves to subscriptions (ex. food & bev, supplements, subscription boxes, etc). B) You are on Shopify or Shopify Plus. C) You are doing at least $1mm per year in revenue or are funded. However, even if you don't meet those criteria, we may still be able to help. Feel free to contact us at hello@100celsius.co, or book an intro call
How much time will this require from me/my team?
Our Repeat Revenue Accelerator is meant to be as easy as possible for you and your team. Our Roadmap experience will require around 5 hours of time on your end. If you hire us for implementation afterwards, we will quarterback the whole thing and only loop you in where neccessary to keep the process moving and on the right track.
Do you help with ecommerce subscription app migrations?
Yes, we can certainly help with subscription app migrations! We have lots of experience assisting brands in migrating to newer eCommerce platforms like Skio, Loop Subscriptions, Stay.ai, and more.
How do you work with other agencies?
We typically slot in right alongside our partner's existing agencies, whether they're working with CRM, paid media, CRO, Shopify dev partners, etc. Our goal is always to help you get even more out of your agencies! We also work fantastically with your existing in-house team.
How much does it cost?
Our initial Roadmap sprint currently costs $4,800, paid at the beginning of the project. From there, we'll provide you with a custom quote for implementation work based on what needs to be done.
What happens after the Accelerator?
By the end of our Accelerator, you should be experiening a massive improvement in subscriber acquisition and retention. From there, we can continue supporting your team in optimizing your subscription program, build additional funnels/experiences, and reporting & consulting support.
Can I just do an Audit? Or just part of the Accelerator?
Yes you can! Many brands just hire us for an Audit with the intention of having their in-house team or partners implement it for them. We can also provide ongoing advisory support after our Audit process
What subscription apps & tech do you work with?
We specialize in working with Shopify & Shopify Plus brands. Our preferred subscription apps are Skio and Loop Subscriptions, but we can work with whatever modern subscription platform you use. We have deep expertise in platforms like Klaviyo, PostScript, Attentive, PostPilot, KnoCommerce, Get Repeat, Relo, Wonderment, and more.
For landing pages, we typically prefer building on Replo
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